Highly Decorated
Level 64 War Master

Personal Details
Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated...
He is said to be a War Master of 64th level. Hailing from Hearthfire Hold Garrison in the Mountain Kingdoms, he is said to have tatty hair, jade green eyes and ruddy skin. His heroic figure, proudly displaying his body tattoos has been sighted rushing into battle with a rowdy warcry.
When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Runed Thorium Warblades (Excellent), and is arrayed in his Thorium Hearthfire Banded Mail and Lock Shields (Excellent). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Crimson Legion Shock Troops (Good) and Legion Banner of the Unconquerable (Good).
Zaarpnog was born under the sign of The Forceful Bridge. This star sign is part of the War Phase and the Creation Aspect.
Zaarpnog is currently sober.
Zaarpnog is ranked 1st among those born under The Forceful Bridge.
Zaarpnog is ranked 17th among War Masters.
- 17,551,709 Total XP
- 1,859,056 Gold
Zaarpnog has the following advantages:
Ring of Greater Deathward
An ornate band of silver carved with intricate symbols.
Trollblood Ring of Regeneration
Trolls, famous for their ability to regenerate wounds, are also the perfect ingredient for magic rings which mimic this effect.
Silver Merchant Guild Membership
Much like the first membership level, except that you get access to a much more exclusive list of clients and buyers. The notorious collectors also seem to check over this list prior to the basic membership list, so you're more likely to sell the best stuff before anyone else.
Recent Happenings
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Frothing Machine Cult Fanatics in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Cackling Venomtail Imp Sorceror in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Underscourge Festering Blubber in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Undercity Fungus Saprolings in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Aspiring Gnomish Corporate Hacks in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Shadowy Ogre Magi Master Assassin in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Lunging Horned Demon Impaler in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Swirling Dustlord Behemoth in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Well Trained Ganjei Militia in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Imperial Quesha Demon Swooping Doombringer in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Lightning Hound Chaser in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Floating Skull of Infinite Insults in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Outcast Hobgoblin Warlock in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated defeated The Grand Typhoon of Bubblonica (Boss) in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Grotesque Undercity Otyug Monstrosity in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Obstinate Geonix Shardman Crusher in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Endless Inferno Efreet Wish Twister in Planar Crossroads
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Unstable Ward 7 Marauder Mage (Elite Minion) in Blade Spire
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Deadly Xo Gnome Infiltrator Illusionist (Elite Minion) in Blade Spire
- Zaarpnog, Highly Decorated killed Recently Executed Avenging Revenant (Elite Minion) in Blade Spire
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