
Grand Champion

Level 98 Infiltrator

Mountain Kingdoms

Personal Details

Tundra, Grand Champion...

She is said to be an Infiltrator of 98th level. Hailing from Blister Peak Chapter in the Mountain Kingdoms, she is said to have braided hair, ocean blue eyes and fair skin. Her graceful figure, proudly displaying her big nose has been sighted rushing into battle with a caring warcry of "Ohh lucky you...you found your end!!!!".

When girded for battle, she is known to wield her Titanbark Repeater Crossbow (Brilliant) and Twin Thorium Blades (Brilliant), and is arrayed in her Chameleon Weave Mail (Brilliant). Foes are said to wither before the might of her Invisibility Tome (Awesome).

Tundra is often seen riding into battle on her Fine Steed.

Tundra was born under the sign of The Disappointed Lawyer. This star sign is part of the Emotion Phase and the Reason Aspect.

Tundra is currently sober.

Tundra is ranked 2nd among those born under The Disappointed Lawyer.

Tundra is ranked 5th among Infiltrators.

  • 79,423,984 Total XP
  • 4,886,458 Gold


Tundra has the following advantages:

  • Amulet of Recall

    Amulet of Recall

    A red orb set in a golden amulet, allowing instantaneous travel back to a set location.

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

  • Gnomish Backpack of Holding

    Gnomish Backpack of Holding

    Famous for their love of treasure, Gnomes spend centurites perfecting the ability to store and protect it. Their wisest Coin Masters have managed to improve on the arcane physics of the bags of holding to create their own version, a backpack.

  • Expert Mount Training

    Expert Mount Training

    With the Expert level of training for your mount, it can move back and forth even more than ever, for a total of 6 times per day for free. In addition, it rests at an even faster rate. These mounts are the finest in all whole stable!

Recent Happenings

  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Damderte Baboon Scavengers in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Eight Horned Mossak Gargoyle Bouncer in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Scratcher Fleas in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion defeated Khemett the Ruiner, Mega Frog World Eater (Boss) in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Lost Tribe Primordial Giant Shaman in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Mystical Nagroddi Otyug Slime Priest in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Dicovinarian Oolbid Demon Expedition in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Noble Highpeak Pegasus in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Phased Shattered Tribe Primordial Titan in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Agonizing Chomper Lice in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion defeated Uncle Festerer, Plaguebug Extraordinaire (Boss) in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Noble Highpeak Pegasus in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Bloodmoon Werewolf Howlers in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Supersonic Air Cutter Hornet in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Sunstar Mechanomera Guardian in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Glowing Sabretooth Beaver in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion discovered Well of Wobbles in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Lost Tribe Primordial Giant Shaman in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion killed Swift Doomstalker Cheetah in Primordia
  • Tundra, Grand Champion defeated Churnout Prime, Tixon Gizmoid Hatchery (Boss) in Primordia

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