Year of the Dragon Champion
Level 68 Outcast Engineer
Personal Details
Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion...
She is said to be an Outcast Engineer of 68th level. Hailing from Vokai Academy of Science in the Steel Empire, she is said to have scruffy hair, jade green eyes and olive skin. Her scrawny figure, proudly displaying her nasty scar has been sighted rushing into battle with a curious warcry of "Thrrpt!".
When girded for battle, she is known to wield her Fully Developed Doomsday Device (Great), and is arrayed in her Eternium Plated Rhinosaur Battlewagon (Great). Foes are said to wither before the might of her Teleportation Field Generator (Excellent).
Thrrpt is often seen riding into battle on her Swift Steed.
Thrrpt was born under the sign of The Relaxed Jester. This star sign is part of the Peace Phase and the Emotion Aspect.
Thrrpt is currently sober.
Thrrpt is ranked 3rd among those born under The Relaxed Jester.
Thrrpt is ranked 8th among Outcast Engineers.
- 21,249,686 Total XP
- 369,007 Gold
Thrrpt has the following advantages:
Amulet of Recall
A red orb set in a golden amulet, allowing instantaneous travel back to a set location.
Ring of Lesser Deathward
A simple band of silver.
Banner of Exploration
"Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."
Gnomish Backpack of Holding
Famous for their love of treasure, Gnomes spend centurites perfecting the ability to store and protect it. Their wisest Coin Masters have managed to improve on the arcane physics of the bags of holding to create their own version, a backpack.
Trollblood Ring of Regeneration
Trolls, famous for their ability to regenerate wounds, are also the perfect ingredient for magic rings which mimic this effect.
Prismatic Watchman Shard
A strange lense commonly carried by guardsmen to ward off ambushes and traps. Its method of doing this is unknown, however its effectiveness is sworn by in the guardsman business.
Timesink Emerald of Focus
This small gemstone makes its owner more resistant to the effects of time wasting, entrapment and trickery by focusing the bearers mind on the essentials of escaping any situation which would otherwise confuse people.
Dazzling Lootstone of Misdirection
This small gemstone protects the bearer from thieves by attempting to become an irrisistable target for theft, rather than real loot, and then magically reappearing back in the hands of its owner shortly after the thief has moved on.
Basic Mount Training
With this advantage, you've trained your mount to have basic training, allowing travel back to the tavern a total of 2 times per day for free. Regardless of whether it can make it back to the tavern or not for free, it will always keep the ability to move between locations freely without returning first!
Recent Happenings
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Dark Minded Umbral Sprite (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Chained Up Gigglatonian Pixie (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Verdant Bloom Elemental (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Shadowy Umbral Sprite Warlock (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Enthralled Altarina Soldiers (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Gunganid Nixie River Pirates (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Murderous Drongbell Pixie Kook (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Wickermoon Haunt Ghosts (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Nushenko Grand Warlord Centaur (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Chained Up Gigglatonian Pixie (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Dark Minded Umbral Sprite (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Fortune Rabbit Fortune Seven Elemental (Elite Minion) in Realm of Japanin
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Ancient Snapping Dragon Turtle (Elite Minion) in Realm of Japanin
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Ayeshani Jungle Mutants (Elite Minion) in Realm of Indoorknesha
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Ayeshani Draconian (Elite Minion) in Realm of Indoorknesha
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Young Emberscale Dragons (Elite Minion) in Realm of Indoorknesha
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Possessed Fortune Cookie Oven (Elite Minion) in Realm of Indoorknesha
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Endless Wall Elemental (Elite Minion) in Realm of Japanun
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Ayeshani Waster Shadow Skulker (Elite Minion) in Realm of Japanun
- Thrrpt, Year of the Dragon Champion killed White Tengu Berzerkers (Elite Minion) in Realm of Japanun
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