

Level 62 Steam Crafter

Steel Empire
Steam Crafter

Personal Details

Squamash, Beginner...

She is said to be a Steam Crafter of 62nd level. Hailing from Vokai Builder's Hall in the Steel Empire, she is said to have braided hair, blue eyes and dark skin. Her athletic figure, proudly displaying her nasty scar has been sighted rushing into battle with a sinister warcry.

When girded for battle, she is known to wield her Oversized Eternium Apocalypse Cannon (Good) and Depleted Starsteel Shells (Good), and is arrayed in her Indestructible Starsteel Steam Titan (Good). Foes are said to wither before the might of her Completely Automated Repair System (Excellent) and Divine Hammer of Construction (Good).

Squamash was born under the sign of The Secure Shield. This star sign is part of the Prosperity Phase and the Creation Aspect.

Squamash is currently tipsy.

Squamash is ranked 9th among those born under The Secure Shield.

Squamash is ranked 14th among Steam Crafters.

  • 14,911,807 Total XP
  • 209,485 Gold


Squamash has the following advantages:

  • Amulet of Recall

    Amulet of Recall

    A red orb set in a golden amulet, allowing instantaneous travel back to a set location.

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

Recent Happenings

  • Squamash, Beginner killed Enraged Heartstump Ents (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
  • Squamash, Beginner defeated Smilin Jack, Insane Hatter (Elite Boss) in Pandemonium
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Grumpletuft Gold Spinner (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Insane Drongbell Pixie Flutterer (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Crafty Gunganid Nixie Assassin (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Fanatical Shining Nymph Thralls (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Insane Drongbell Pixie Flutterer (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Uncountable Brownie Horde (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Mindsphere Spawning Host (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Deadly Autotherion Golem Ordinators (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
  • Squamash, Beginner defeated Rajanton, Shifter Golem Grand Vizier (Elite Boss) in Mechanothodica
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Replicant Clockwork Toad (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Twin Saw Binar Sentinel (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Deadly Autotherion Golem Ordinators (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Flying Adamantium Beetle Drone (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Psilon Numedra Trigonomancer (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Clomping Binar Shield Sentinel (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Adamantium Beetle Combat Drone (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Stalking Dynadyne Construct (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
  • Squamash, Beginner killed Bladed Binar Sentinel (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica

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