Shiva Greenhorn
Lady of the Hunt
Level 101 Moon Elf Cultivator

Personal Details
Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt...
She is said to be a Moon Elf Cultivator of 101st level. Hailing from Groldar Grove in the Mountain Kingdoms, she is said to have long flowing hair, green eyes and fair skin. Her thin figure, proudly displaying her long pointed ears has been sighted rushing into battle with a mysterious warcry.
When girded for battle, she is known to wield her Dreadrune Bladestaff (Brilliant), and is arrayed in her Eclipse Rune of Unstoppable Regeneration (Brilliant). Foes are said to wither before the might of her Ancient Ivyphant Trampler (Brilliant).
Shiva Greenhorn was born under the sign of The Relaxed Fist. This star sign is part of the Peace Phase and the Destruction Aspect.
Shiva Greenhorn is currently sober.
Shiva Greenhorn is Hardcore.
- 89,300,928 Total XP
- 3,041,897 Gold
Shiva Greenhorn has the following advantages:
Banner of Exploration
"Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."
Bronze Merchant Guild Membership
Membership into the merchants guild has now been opened up to all adventurers, not just those willing to pay off the local lord for access into this exclusive club. With it, you can drop by the guild and automatically see if any of the loot you've picked up on your travels can be sold for a higher price due to desperate buyers. Occasionally, you'll also get noticed by some famous collector, and when they buy your goods, people notice!
Year of the Dragon Commendation
This award is granted to those brave adventurers who manage to destroy all 10 of the evil Dragons of Aye-Sha, ensuring that the threat to the future beer supply of the Dragon Tavern is put down once and for all. This award is sure to attract the right sort of attention, if you know what I mean... wink wink nudge nudge oh never mind...
Recent Happenings
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Nushenko Centaur Hunt Master (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt defeated Windhoof, the First Unicorn (Elite Boss) in Pandemonium
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Captivating Shining Nymphs (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Fairy Dragon Princess (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Twisted Bunjee Sprigan Beast Trainer (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Umbral Sprite Knifemaster (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Shining Nymph Seductress (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Enchanted Altarina Rangers (Elite Minion) in Pandemonium
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Slobbering Ethersludge Entity in Primordia
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Eight Horned Mossak Gargoyle Bouncer in Primordia
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt discovered Mechanothodica in Primordia
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Highpeak Pegataur Master Bowman in Primordia
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Giant Corite Colossus Stomper in Primordia
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Multi Hosed Silicoid Gas Spewer in Primordia
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Huge Fenrid Werewolf Alpha in Primordia
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt discovered Pandemonium in Primordia
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Scourged Primordial Giant Trapper in Primordia
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Damderte Ape Brutes in Primordia
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Impervious Mossak Stone Gargoyle in Primordia
- Shiva Greenhorn, Lady of the Hunt killed Scarred Ancient Snowfang Spider in Primordia
Public Page Link
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