
Year of the Dragon Champion

Level 83 Outcast Engineer

Steel Empire
Outcast Engineer

Personal Details

Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion...

He is said to be an Outcast Engineer of 83rd level. Hailing from Bedua Laboratory in the Steel Empire, he is said to have short hair, jade green eyes and dark skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with a manly warcry.

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Fully Developed Doomsday Device (Extraordinary), and is arrayed in his Eternium Plated Rhinosaur Battlewagon (Extraordinary). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Goggles of Prescience (Extraordinary).

Mtcircle was born under the sign of The Observant Shield. This star sign is part of the Reason Phase and the Creation Aspect.

Mtcircle is currently sober.

Mtcircle is ranked 2nd among those born under The Observant Shield.

Mtcircle is ranked 4th among Outcast Engineers.

  • 44,305,402 Total XP
  • 1,434,998 Gold


Mtcircle has the following advantages:

  • Amulet of Recall

    Amulet of Recall

    A red orb set in a golden amulet, allowing instantaneous travel back to a set location.

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

  • Trollblood Ring of Regeneration

    Trollblood Ring of Regeneration

    Trolls, famous for their ability to regenerate wounds, are also the perfect ingredient for magic rings which mimic this effect.

  • Silver Merchant Guild Membership

    Silver Merchant Guild Membership

    Much like the first membership level, except that you get access to a much more exclusive list of clients and buyers. The notorious collectors also seem to check over this list prior to the basic membership list, so you're more likely to sell the best stuff before anyone else.

Recent Happenings

  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Lowbreed Drakkari Crossbowmen in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion was killed by Xull the Unstoppable, Skerrok Overfiend in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Servant of Shiva Titan Doomsayer in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Renegade Cityborn Sprite in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Jade Court Vasassi Witch Slayer in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Immense Oolbid Demon Lore Seeker in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Aspiring Gnomish Corporate Hacks in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Silent Void Shardlings in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Frothing Machine Cult Fanatics in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Rotten Blackwind Plague Beetles in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Monstrous Underscourge Wobbler in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Deformed Indigo Skull Formorian in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Forbidden Paradise Djinn Hope Crusher in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Ganjei Battlemage Arcanist in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Gnashing Devil Rat Terrorbeast in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Silent Ganjei Spy Master in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Forlorn Oasis Dao Wave Summoner in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Dazzling Mithrilblood Elf Blade Singer in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Molten Magmalord Behemoth in Planar Crossroads
  • Mtcircle, Year of the Dragon Champion killed Morphic Chaos Shardlings in Planar Crossroads

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