Should be rich
Level 59 Dark Puppeteer

Personal Details
Medea, Should be rich...
She is said to be a Dark Puppeteer of 59th level. Hailing from Soulforge Stringpullers in the Deadlands, she is said to have tied back hair, blue eyes and tanned skin. Her busty figure, proudly displaying her body tattoos has been sighted rushing into battle with a cheeky warcry of "Booooo Yah!".
When girded for battle, she is known to wield her Vorpal Harbinger Axes and Saws (Good), and is arrayed in her Finely Woven Faeskin Puppeteer Suit and Hat (Good). Foes are said to wither before the might of her Bottomless Bag of Bodybits (Good) and Ethereal Strings of Shadow (Good).
Medea was born under the sign of The Secure Shield. This star sign is part of the Prosperity Phase and the Creation Aspect.
Medea is currently sober.
Medea is ranked 13th among those born under The Secure Shield.
Medea is ranked 19th among Dark Puppeteers.
- 12,218,450 Total XP
- 79,916 Gold
Medea has the following advantages:
Banner of Exploration
"Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."
Recent Happenings
- Medea, Should be rich killed Elder Gloomscale Wyvern Poisoner in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Children of Chrome Warriors in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Jade Badger Half Giant Hunters in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Traitorous Ogrettin Cut Throats in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Young Shadowscale Dragons in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Young Jadescale Dragons in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Infester Sprouts in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich defeated Brinkazixi, Thraxxa Mantoid Hive Queen (Boss) in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Gloomscale Wyvern Rider in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich discovered The Shattered City in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Mouthless Mydayne Shadowfiends in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Six Legged Chaos Devourer in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Mrs Claws' Sister in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Tattoo Covered Bonecruncher Ogre Shaman in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Mrs Claws' Sister in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Elder Earthshaker Wurm in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Ice Throwing Festivus Polar Giant in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich defeated Thrasher of the Goreblade Clan Demons (Boss) in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Magma Drake Hatchlings in The Blight
- Medea, Should be rich killed Unbound Elder Pit Fiends in The Blight
Public Page Link
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