Kiros Nightwind

Crusher of Hope

Level 61 Dread Minstrel

Dread Minstrel

Personal Details

Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope...

He is said to be a Dread Minstrel of 61st level. Hailing from Xithan Singers Guild in the Deadlands, he is said to have fashionably styled hair, wild eyes and dark skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his obvious birthmark has been sighted rushing into battle with a sinister warcry.

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Chorus of Insanity (Good), and is arrayed in his Shadowcrawling Silks of Pure Darkness (Good). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Banshee Wood Flute (Good).

Kiros Nightwind was born under the sign of The Victorious Lawyer. This star sign is part of the War Phase and the Reason Aspect.

Kiros Nightwind is currently sober.

Kiros Nightwind is ranked 5th among those born under The Victorious Lawyer.

Kiros Nightwind is ranked 17th among Dread Minstrels.

  • 13,848,495 Total XP
  • 235,769 Gold


Kiros Nightwind has the following advantages:

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

  • Bag of Holding

    Bag of Holding

    Via manipulation of strange multi dimensional physics that the most learned sage would scratch their beard at, these bags are able to store a lot more than their size would suggest.

  • Trollblood Ring of Regeneration

    Trollblood Ring of Regeneration

    Trolls, famous for their ability to regenerate wounds, are also the perfect ingredient for magic rings which mimic this effect.

  • Prismatic Watchman Shard

    Prismatic Watchman Shard

    A strange lense commonly carried by guardsmen to ward off ambushes and traps. Its method of doing this is unknown, however its effectiveness is sworn by in the guardsman business.

  • Timesink Emerald of Focus

    Timesink Emerald of Focus

    This small gemstone makes its owner more resistant to the effects of time wasting, entrapment and trickery by focusing the bearers mind on the essentials of escaping any situation which would otherwise confuse people.

  • Dazzling Lootstone of Misdirection

    Dazzling Lootstone of Misdirection

    This small gemstone protects the bearer from thieves by attempting to become an irrisistable target for theft, rather than real loot, and then magically reappearing back in the hands of its owner shortly after the thief has moved on.

Recent Happenings

  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Acrobatic Ganjei Infiltrator in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Ebonwing Celestial Kensei in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Immense Oolbid Demon Lore Seeker in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Rektark Octoprat Squid Monk in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Silent Void Shardlings in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Crafty Blazewatch Salamander Spy in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope defeated Chill and Char , Twin Salamander Assassins (Boss) in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Hateful Rotfeather Prydok Demon Spellblade in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Cackling Rage Shardlings in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Mutated Eldritch Titan Chaos Eater in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Gnashing Devil Rat Terrorbeast in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope discovered Undercity Mausoleum in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope defeated Gusty Gustav the Living Hurricane (Boss) in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Sewer Kobold Hunting Party in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Emotionless Mithrilblood Elf Martial Artist in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Raven Veil Madrei Expert Archer in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Reptilian Oolbid Demon Archaeologist in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Merged Crite Choadling Demonball in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Machine Cult Technomancer in Planar Crossroads
  • Kiros Nightwind, Crusher of Hope killed Demonic Spiderfiend Vampire in Planar Crossroads

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