Captain Zero
Level 161 Sky Guard
Personal Details
Hobosock, Captain Zero...
He is said to be a Sky Guard of 161st level. Hailing from Talon Watch in the Mountain Kingdoms, he is said to have short spikey hair, green eyes and tanned skin. His athletic figure has been sighted rushing into battle with a friendly warcry of "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!".
When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Supreme Thunderlance of Lords (Legendary), and is arrayed in his Flowing Furium Longcoat and Coif (Legendary). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Immortal Thunder Peak Griffin (Legendary).
Hobosock was born under the sign of The Disappointed Child. This star sign is part of the Emotion Phase and the Prosperity Aspect.
Hobosock is currently sober.
Hobosock is ranked 1st among those born under The Disappointed Child.
Hobosock is ranked 1st among Sky Guards.
- 413,175,196 Total XP
- 4,707,346 Gold
Hobosock has the following advantages:
Amulet of Recall
A red orb set in a golden amulet, allowing instantaneous travel back to a set location.
Ring of Life Gate
An ornate mirrorsteel band with ethereal key markings dancing across its surface.
Banner of Exploration
"Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."
Infused Trollblood Ring of Regeneration
Much like a regular Trollblood ring, this much rarer and more powerful version is said to contain the essence of one of the Troll Lords of old, creatures of immense healing ability and reportedly almost impossible to kill!
Gauntlets of Power
A much rarer and more potent version of magic gauntlets, these mighty artifacts can turn even a novice adventurer into a seasoned veteran instantly. The glyphs on these gauntlets appear to be dwarven in nature, yet of a dialect not spoken for many thousands of years.
Ultimate Loot Transmutation Cube
While Transmutation cubes are by no means common, the Ultimate variety is exceedingly rare. Unlike the other cubes which are black, the Ultimate ones are silver and polished to a mirror finish. Mounted on each side is a jewel of a different type, of exceptional value and precision cut. The essence this device can store is trully immense, allowing regular use without the need to recharge as often.
Gold Merchant Guild Membership
This exclusive level of membership offers you access to the finest of clients who have more money than sense. First pick and first priority is the name of the game, and in this business that makes all the difference. The exclusive collectors also seem to relish buying goods from the gold members for some reason. Chances are they have some financial stake in the merchant guild and this helps make them even more money. Oh what an unfair world!
Recent Happenings
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Wun-Tai Dynasty Drakari Drake Cavalry in The Blight
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Uncontrolled Dracolich Animation in The Blight
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Unbreakable Starsteel Golem in The Blight
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Rowdy Ogrettin Mercenaries in The Blight
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Limitless Golden Scarab Swarm (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Ghoulish Gladiator Troupe (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Brown Lich Horn Bag Players (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Unyielding Ghoulish Gladiator Champion (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Rotting Golden Scarab Mummy Guardsman (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Golden Scarab Mummy Nightlord (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Ghoulish Gladiator Troupe (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Faceless Covenent Assassins (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Golden Scarab Mummy Charioteer (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Starving House Ferrod Choker Vine Mass (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Golden Scarab Mummy Royal Sooth Sayer (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Greater Deathplane Elemental (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Skulking Faceless Covenant Hitman (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Umbral Shroud Wraith Arch Mage (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Gate Watcher Oolbid Demon Sages (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
- Hobosock, Captain Zero killed Golden Scarab Mummy Charioteer (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
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