Falya Gravedust

Flesh Binder

Level 88 Animator


Personal Details

Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder...

She is said to be an Animator of 88th level. Hailing from Xithan's Slab in the Deadlands, she is said to have tied back hair, ocean blue eyes and rotting skin. Her hunched figure, proudly displaying her offensive stench has been sighted rushing into battle with a polite warcry.

When girded for battle, she is known to wield her Snapping Etherium Bodymaws (Extraordinary) and Etherium Carving Knives (Incredible), and is arrayed in her Rune of Regenerative Shadowscales (Extraordinary). Foes are said to wither before the might of her Titanic Stitcher Monstrosity (Superior).

Falya Gravedust was born under the sign of The Deathly Coin. This star sign is part of the Destruction Phase and the Prosperity Aspect.

Falya Gravedust is currently sober.

Falya Gravedust is ranked 1st among those born under The Deathly Coin.

Falya Gravedust is ranked 3rd among Animators.

  • 54,268,580 Total XP
  • 1,518,860 Gold


Falya Gravedust has the following advantages:

  • Ring of Greater Deathward

    Ring of Greater Deathward

    An ornate band of silver carved with intricate symbols.

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

  • Trollblood Ring of Regeneration

    Trollblood Ring of Regeneration

    Trolls, famous for their ability to regenerate wounds, are also the perfect ingredient for magic rings which mimic this effect.

Recent Happenings

  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Ruthless Dao Overfiend (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Hideous Efreet Overlord (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Ancient Thunder Cat (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Ruthless Dao Overfiend (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Far Realm Chattering Chaos Creeper (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Fiery Soultrapped Najei Warrior (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Radiance Elemental Noble Orb (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Ancient Thunder Cat (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Blazing Oasis Efreet Emissary (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Ambiguity Elemental (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Ancient Thunder Cat (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Two Headed Hellhound Behemoth (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Clickitty Clattering Mana Bugs (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Automata Mimicking Chaos Wasp Larvae (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Towering Far Realm Chaos Fiend (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Cloudy Thunder Elemental Noble (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Wasplike Najei Guardian Automata (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Bouncing Primordial Chaos Lumps (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Primordial Servant Conjuror (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei
  • Falya Gravedust, Flesh Binder killed Clickitty Clattering Mana Bugs (Elite Minion) in Spike of Najei

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