
Sunrise Embodied

Level 66 Acolyte

Steel Empire

Personal Details

Ezed, Sunrise Embodied...

He is said to be an Acolyte of 66th level. Hailing from Dacia Cathedral of Vigilence in the Steel Empire, he is said to be bald, have blue eyes and dark skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with an amorous warcry.

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Voice of Unified Existence (Great) and Clockwork Autohammer (Great), and is arrayed in his Blessed Starsteel Plate Mail and Tabard (Great). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Original Transcript of the Ascension (Excellent) and Grand Choir of the Undeniable Word (Great).

Ezed was born under the sign of The Bountiful Rod. This star sign is part of the Prosperity Phase and the Destruction Aspect.

Ezed is currently sober.

Ezed is ranked 2nd among those born under The Bountiful Rod.

Ezed is ranked 8th among Acolytes.

  • 19,144,077 Total XP
  • 438,899 Gold


Ezed has the following advantages:

  • Bag of Holding

    Bag of Holding

    Via manipulation of strange multi dimensional physics that the most learned sage would scratch their beard at, these bags are able to store a lot more than their size would suggest.

  • Bronze Merchant Guild Membership

    Bronze Merchant Guild Membership

    Membership into the merchants guild has now been opened up to all adventurers, not just those willing to pay off the local lord for access into this exclusive club. With it, you can drop by the guild and automatically see if any of the loot you've picked up on your travels can be sold for a higher price due to desperate buyers. Occasionally, you'll also get noticed by some famous collector, and when they buy your goods, people notice!

Recent Happenings

  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied defeated Knuckledragger the Ancient (Boss) in The Blight
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Traitorous Ogrettin Cut Throats in The Blight
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Gleaming Mirrorscale Wurm in The Blight
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied defeated Tergezann of the Thirty Heads, Vixian Hydra (Boss) in The Blight
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Frothing Warp Titan Swordsman in The Blight
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Blight Goreblade Assassins in The Blight
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Gold Flecked Iggy Thing (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Elder Bladewing Pit Fiend (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Wailing Sword Wraith (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Burly Ebon Throne Centaur Guardian (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Ebon Throne Fairy Enchantress (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Swirling Chaos Elemental (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Infernal Beastmen Warriors (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied was killed by Balzuul the Bound, Demon Exile in Forgotten Citadel
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Dripping Fleshburner Blob (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Gold Flecked Iggy Thing (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Ebon Throne Torture Nymph (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Disgusting Corridor Creepers (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Unstoppable Sand Elementals (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel
  • Ezed, Sunrise Embodied killed Veteran Gromka War Party (Elite Minion) in Forgotten Citadel

Public Page Link

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