
Insidious Flayer

Level 92 Dark Puppeteer

Dark Puppeteer

Personal Details

Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer...

She is said to be a Dark Puppeteer of 92nd level. Hailing from Soulforge Stringpullers in the Deadlands, she is said to have tatty hair, jade green eyes and dark skin. Her muscular figure, proudly displaying her nasty scar has been sighted rushing into battle with a sinister warcry of "for me and me only".

When girded for battle, she is known to wield her Diabolical Etherium Handblades (Awesome), and is arrayed in her Finely Woven Faeskin Puppeteer Suit and Hat (Awesome). Foes are said to wither before the might of her Bottomless Bag of Bodybits (Superb) and Grand Ritual Strings of Distant Schemes (Brilliant).

Exterminatrex was born under the sign of The Agreeable Mask. This star sign is part of the Peace Phase and the Misfortune Aspect.

Exterminatrex is currently sober.

Exterminatrex is ranked 2nd among those born under The Agreeable Mask.

Exterminatrex is ranked 4th among Dark Puppeteers.

  • 64,285,944 Total XP
  • 184,822 Gold


Exterminatrex has the following advantages:

  • Amulet of Recall

    Amulet of Recall

    A red orb set in a golden amulet, allowing instantaneous travel back to a set location.

  • Ring of Greater Deathward

    Ring of Greater Deathward

    An ornate band of silver carved with intricate symbols.

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

  • Trollblood Ring of Regeneration

    Trollblood Ring of Regeneration

    Trolls, famous for their ability to regenerate wounds, are also the perfect ingredient for magic rings which mimic this effect.

  • Bronze Merchant Guild Membership

    Bronze Merchant Guild Membership

    Membership into the merchants guild has now been opened up to all adventurers, not just those willing to pay off the local lord for access into this exclusive club. With it, you can drop by the guild and automatically see if any of the loot you've picked up on your travels can be sold for a higher price due to desperate buyers. Occasionally, you'll also get noticed by some famous collector, and when they buy your goods, people notice!

Recent Happenings

  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Hypnotic Dazzler Cricket (Elite Minion) in The Eternal Hive
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Howling One-Eye Slauffin Warriors in The Blight
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Groaning Myrdayne Crumbler Ghost in The Blight
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Corrosive Blight Slug Behemoth in The Blight
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Deadly Oracle of Theron Raiders in The Blight
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Howling One-Eye Slauffin Warriors in The Blight
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Corrupted Oulfenholm Spellblade in The Blight
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Titanhide Basilisk Matron in The Blight
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Merciless Reaper Angel Wizard in The Blight
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Untamed Mutant Devil Badger in The Blight
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Twisted Blood Reaver Clan Shaman in The Blight
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Ravenous Zhinti Zombie Horde (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Faceless Covenent Assassins (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Lumbering House Ferrod Abomination (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Bonedawn Centaur Spirit Lore Master (Elite Minion) in The Shattered City
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer defeated Professor Tezla, Machine Cult Leader (Boss) in Planar Crossroads
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Angelfire Deva Punisher in Planar Crossroads
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Crossroad Undercity Knight of Devolution in Planar Crossroads
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer defeated Wrantha of the Descention, Undercity Cult Leader (Boss) in Planar Crossroads
  • Exterminatrex, Insidious Flayer killed Lowbreed Drakkari Mercenaries in Planar Crossroads

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