Duke Morte
Eternal Wraithlord
Level 219 Reaver

Personal Details
Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord...
He is said to be a Reaver of 219th level. Hailing from Bonekeep Chapter in the Deadlands, he is said to have tied back hair, jade green eyes and fair skin. His average figure, proudly displaying his body tattoos has been sighted rushing into battle with a crude warcry of "Burn for me!".
When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Set of Elongated Etherium Ripper Claws (The Best), and is arrayed in his Umbral Silk Hooded Cloak and Clothing (Epicness Incarnate) and Umbral Soul Stone (Epicness Incarnate). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Voidsoul Lost One (Epicness Incarnate).
Duke Morte is often seen riding into battle on his Subdued Shadow Raven.
Duke Morte was born under the sign of The Sickened Lawyer. This star sign is part of the Misfortune Phase and the Reason Aspect.
Duke Morte is currently rat-arsed.
Duke Morte is ranked 1st among those born under The Sickened Lawyer.
Duke Morte is ranked 1st among Reavers.
- 1,006,405,492 Total XP
- 1,308,783,904 Gold
Duke Morte has the following advantages:
Amulet of Recall
A red orb set in a golden amulet, allowing instantaneous travel back to a set location.
Ring of Life Gate
An ornate mirrorsteel band with ethereal key markings dancing across its surface.
Banner of Exploration
"Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."
Gnomish Backpack of Holding
Famous for their love of treasure, Gnomes spend centurites perfecting the ability to store and protect it. Their wisest Coin Masters have managed to improve on the arcane physics of the bags of holding to create their own version, a backpack.
Trollblood Ring of Regeneration
Trolls, famous for their ability to regenerate wounds, are also the perfect ingredient for magic rings which mimic this effect.
Timesink Emerald of Focus
This small gemstone makes its owner more resistant to the effects of time wasting, entrapment and trickery by focusing the bearers mind on the essentials of escaping any situation which would otherwise confuse people.
Girdle of the Iron Gut
This heavy set girdle helps keep a troubled stomach settled during those epic drinking sessions, allowing its wearer to keep going well into the night.
Gauntlets of Power
A much rarer and more potent version of magic gauntlets, these mighty artifacts can turn even a novice adventurer into a seasoned veteran instantly. The glyphs on these gauntlets appear to be dwarven in nature, yet of a dialect not spoken for many thousands of years.
Gold Merchant Guild Membership
This exclusive level of membership offers you access to the finest of clients who have more money than sense. First pick and first priority is the name of the game, and in this business that makes all the difference. The exclusive collectors also seem to relish buying goods from the gold members for some reason. Chances are they have some financial stake in the merchant guild and this helps make them even more money. Oh what an unfair world!
Expert Mount Training
With the Expert level of training for your mount, it can move back and forth even more than ever, for a total of 6 times per day for free. In addition, it rests at an even faster rate. These mounts are the finest in all whole stable!
Recent Happenings
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Twin Saw Binar Sentinel (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Scampering Mechano Spiderlings (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Mercurial Tyvel Efficiency Expert (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Energized Mindsphere Tormentor (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Psilon Numedra Servitors (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Acrobatic Dynadyne Construct (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Mechano Spider (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Replicant Clockwork Drake (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Swarming Mechano Wurmlings (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Steamroller Dynadyne Construct (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Floating Mindsphere Vindicator (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Mindsphere Spawning Host (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Bladed Binar Sentinel (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Mechano Spider (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Pulsing Mindsphere Minelayer (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Mindsphere Spawning Host (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Psilon Numedra Servitors (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Swarming Mechano Wurmlings (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Energized Autotherion Golem (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
- Duke Morte, Eternal Wraithlord killed Psilon Numedra Trigonomancer (Elite Minion) in Mechanothodica
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