
Soul Hunter

Level 30 Reaver


Personal Details

Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter...

He is said to be a Reaver of 30th level. Hailing from Soulforge Chapter in the Deadlands, he is said to be bald, have blue eyes and dark skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with an amorous warcry.

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Pair of Voidsteel Scimitars, and is arrayed in his Light Voidsilk Suit and Greater Obsidian Soul Stone. Foes are said to wither before the might of his Sadistic Shadowrealm Noble.

Bobbbddfr was born under the sign of The Joyful Mask. This star sign is part of the Emotion Phase and the Misfortune Aspect.

Bobbbddfr is currently sober.

Bobbbddfr is ranked 16th among those born under The Joyful Mask.

  • 850,538 Total XP
  • 164,162 Gold


Bobbbddfr has the following advantages:

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

Recent Happenings

  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Gorram Cliffracers in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Xaeth-Kyr Terrestronaut in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Unleashed Rift-Prowler in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Skulking Gnorcupine Quill-Shooter in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Slavering Streg-Mutant Coyotes in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Falkeer Skyhunter in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Streg-Mutant Ogre Bruiser in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Flintcog Ghostfacer in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Undead Cardslinger in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter discovered Camp Ashlumber in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Streg-Mutant Ogre Soul Devourer in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Infernium Fire Dancer in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Falkeerim Warrior-Shamen in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Unleashed Rift-Prowler in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Falkeer Shiny-Hunters in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Lurking Cactus-Maw in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter discovered The Sacred Roost in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Marauding Riftspawn Pack in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Screeching Flock of Chaffalks in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfr, Soul Hunter killed Xaeth-Kyr Terrestronaut in Chasms of Craeth

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