
Master Crafter

Level 32 Steam Crafter

Steel Empire
Steam Crafter

Personal Details

Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter...

He is said to be a Steam Crafter of 32nd level. Hailing from Vokai Builder's Hall in the Steel Empire, he is said to be bald, have blue eyes and dark skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with a perfectionist warcry.

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Rotary Sunsteel Howitzer and Explosive Chromium Shells, and is arrayed in his Prototype Steam Giant. Foes are said to wither before the might of his Mechanical Utility Claw and Masterwork Toolbox of the Builder.

Bobbbddfl was born under the sign of The Joyful Mask. This star sign is part of the Emotion Phase and the Misfortune Aspect.

Bobbbddfl is currently sober.

Bobbbddfl is ranked 4th among those born under The Joyful Mask.

  • 1,030,280 Total XP
  • 62,641 Gold


Bobbbddfl has the following advantages:

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

  • Dazzling Lootstone of Misdirection

    Dazzling Lootstone of Misdirection

    This small gemstone protects the bearer from thieves by attempting to become an irrisistable target for theft, rather than real loot, and then magically reappearing back in the hands of its owner shortly after the thief has moved on.

Recent Happenings

  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Swerving Hackler Stagecoach in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Source-Severed Eschatian Titan in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Gokdok Orc Archers in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Marauding Riftspawn Pack in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Xaeth-Kyr Terrestronaut in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Streg-Mutant Ogre Soul Devourer in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter discovered The Sacred Roost in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Evil Eye Pactbreaker Witch in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Unleashed Rift-Prowler in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Falkeerim Warrior-Shamen in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Vultaur Canyon Drifter in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Infernium Fire Dancer in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Ashlumber Bandit Scouts in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Gorram Cliffracers in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Streg-Mutant Ogre Bruiser in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Clatterplank Orc Patrol in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Gnomesortium Killathopter in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Shuttersnap Walking Guard Tower in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Jons Giant Fookin Spider in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfl, Master Crafter killed Mysterious Tortak Huckster in Chasms of Craeth

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