

Level 31 Agent

Steel Empire

Personal Details

Bobbbddfk, Spy...

He is said to be an Agent of 31st level. Hailing from Bedua Border Guard in the Steel Empire, he is said to be bald, have blue eyes and dark skin. His athletic figure, proudly displaying his beard has been sighted rushing into battle with a cheeky warcry.

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Perfectly Crafted Chromium Shortswords and Statue Skin Poison Vial, and is arrayed in his Exotic Chromeweave Clothing and Elaborate Disguise Kit. Foes are said to wither before the might of his Band of Apprentice Guildsmen and Well Researched List of Informants.

Bobbbddfk was born under the sign of The Joyful Mask. This star sign is part of the Emotion Phase and the Misfortune Aspect.

Bobbbddfk is currently sober.

Bobbbddfk is ranked 13th among those born under The Joyful Mask.

  • 886,944 Total XP
  • 57,706 Gold


Bobbbddfk has the following advantages:

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

  • Bronze Merchant Guild Membership

    Bronze Merchant Guild Membership

    Membership into the merchants guild has now been opened up to all adventurers, not just those willing to pay off the local lord for access into this exclusive club. With it, you can drop by the guild and automatically see if any of the loot you've picked up on your travels can be sold for a higher price due to desperate buyers. Occasionally, you'll also get noticed by some famous collector, and when they buy your goods, people notice!

Recent Happenings

  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Roaring Firemaw Wyvern in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Travelling Krigg Hex-Artists in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy discovered The Sacred Roost in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Falkeerim Warrior-Shamen in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Pactbreaker Assassin in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Giant Clifflurking Bungee Blob in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Lurking Cliffdrop Spider in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Gorram Cliffracers in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Streg-Mutant Ogre Shaman in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Whispering Trickster Spirits in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Blithe Eschatian Crusader in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Falkeer Chosen One in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Rogue Robognome in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Lurching Illendis Breath-Stealers in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy discovered Camp Ashlumber in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Falkeer Shiny-Hunters in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Karkathi Honour-Priest Spectres in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Gorram Cliffracers in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Killer Cactus-Pods in Chasms of Craeth
  • Bobbbddfk, Spy killed Huge Falkoth Horse-Snatcher in Chasms of Craeth

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