
Dice's Bitch

Level 62 Infiltrator

Mountain Kingdoms

Personal Details

Aphelion, Dice's Bitch...

He is said to be an Infiltrator of 62nd level. Hailing from Meadowbrook Chapter in the Mountain Kingdoms, he is said to have short hair, blue eyes and fair skin. His thin figure, proudly displaying his bung eye has been sighted rushing into battle with a suspicious warcry.

When girded for battle, he is known to wield his Exploding Thorium Dart Gun (Good) and Deadly Vorpal Gladius (Extraordinary), and is arrayed in his Chameleon Weave Mail (Decent). Foes are said to wither before the might of his Invisibility Tome (Good).

Aphelion was born under the sign of The Deathly Coin. This star sign is part of the Destruction Phase and the Prosperity Aspect.

Aphelion is currently roaring drunk.

Aphelion is ranked 10th among those born under The Deathly Coin.

Aphelion is ranked 17th among Infiltrators.

  • 14,932,095 Total XP
  • 455,021 Gold


Aphelion has the following advantages:

  • Banner of Exploration

    Banner of Exploration

    "Yes, this is a fertile land. We will rule over it... and we shall call it... This Land."

  • Trollblood Ring of Regeneration

    Trollblood Ring of Regeneration

    Trolls, famous for their ability to regenerate wounds, are also the perfect ingredient for magic rings which mimic this effect.

  • Girdle of the Iron Gut

    Girdle of the Iron Gut

    This heavy set girdle helps keep a troubled stomach settled during those epic drinking sessions, allowing its wearer to keep going well into the night.

Recent Happenings

  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch defeated Bubblesluff, Festering Flubberknob Thingy (Boss) in Primordia
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch defeated Unstoppable Velociraptor Pack (Elite Boss) in Valley of Thunder
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Varakon Triceraton Berzerker (Elite Minion) in Valley of Thunder
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Elder Turquois Raptor (Elite Minion) in Valley of Thunder
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Wraithly Skunkoid (Elite Minion) in Valley of Thunder
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Varakon Triceratops Foragers (Elite Minion) in Valley of Thunder
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch defeated Knuckledragger the Ancient (Boss) in The Blight
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Ruknuk Tasloi Devil Badger Cavalry in The Blight
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Shimmering Fadewing Drake Patriarch in The Blight
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Outcast Blight Giant Halfbreed in The Blight
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Howling One-Eye Slauffin Warriors in The Blight
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Pure Ruin Orb in The Blight
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch discovered The Shattered City in The Blight
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Psycic Gigitygigapede in The Blight
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Ravens Oath Ogre Flock Master in The Blight
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Elder Earthshaker Wurm in The Blight
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Young Ivoryscale Dragons in The Blight
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Stranded Sludgespike Gremlin Thieves in The Blight
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Swarming Young Crotanna Serpents in The Blight
  • Aphelion, Dice's Bitch killed Nine Headed Vixian Hydra Beast in The Blight

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